Heavenly Waters

Heavenly Waters
Showers of Blessings

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The Torah portion entitled Vayeira in Genesis 20 is a good example of how serious the sin of adultery is in God's sight. King Abimelech took Abraham's wife Sarah to his kingdom; and even though he did not have sex with her, it is still adultery. Even though he did not know that she was married; yet he was committing adultery because Sarah was removed from under the covering of her husband Abraham. When a man takes a woman to live under his roof he becomes a covering to her and becomes her head. A wise man shared this revelation with me: that this account is a microcosm of Israel living in Egypt and the Exodus. Here we see Israel being kept by Pharaoh against their will; but Israel is betrothed to Christ who is their Bridegroom. We also see that He sends His prophet Moses to go get His Bride; and this was done with many signs, plaques and warnings of death if he disobeyed. Moreover, just as King Abimelech sent Sarah out with men and women servants, oxen, sheep, and 1000 pieces of silver as an atonement; so too did Israel come out with great abundance. It is the story of redemption and salvation and He sent His Son to redeem us. So you see that adultery is a most grievous sin, and the penalty is death; today it is commonplace, but the Word is eternal.

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